Clinic will operate cataracts to price of cost to patients in list of wait

Clínica operará cataratas a precio de coste a pacientes en lista de espera

A clinic of Barcelona will treat from the month of June to patients that suffer cataracts to price of cost, as long as they are diagnosed and in list of wait, as it has informed the medical centre, the Diagonal Clinic.

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The medical squad of the centre, that "will devote his free time of the Saturdays in the morning to operate to these patients", considers that "they can not remain of arms crossed in front of a social problem like the one of the lists of wait, independently of if it loans service in private centres or publics".
According to the centre, "the lists of surgical wait keep on being one of the main motives of worry for the population affected in our country".
Besides, it warns that "the step of the time plays against", since a prolonged wait can derive in "losses of irretrievable vision".
The clinic remembers that the cataracts has a prevalencia of the 90 % in the population from among 60 and 90 years in Spain and that it is the cause of loss of vision more frequent.

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