


Branch of the medicine that studies the allergy, his etiology, manifestations, diagnostic and treatment.


Branch of the medicine whose object of studio is the man and the illnesses of the masculine sex, especially the  disorders of the organs of the device reproductor.
Angiología y Cirugía Vascular

Angiología And Vascular Surgery

Branch of the medicine that occupies of the diagnostic and treatment of the illnesses of the blood vessels and lymphatic.


Studio of the anatomy, normal functions and illnesses of the heart.
Cirugía cardíaca

Cardiac surgery

Surgical branch that makes interventions in the heart to correct congenital defects or purchased, substitute ailing valves or permeabilizar or do cortocircuito in glasses blocked, as well as injertar a prosthesis or an implant.
Cirugía general

General surgery

It is the medical speciality of surgical class that spans the operations of the digestive device; including the tract gastrointestinal and the system hepato-bilio-pancreatic, the endocrine system; including the suprarenal glands, thyroid, parathyroid and other included glands in the digestive device. Likewise it includes the reparation of hernias and eventraciones of the abdominal wall.
Cirugía maxilofacial

Surgery maxilofacial

It is the medical speciality-surgical that occupies of the prevention, studio, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation of the pathology of the buccal cavity and of the face, as well as of the cervical region.
Cirugía ortopédica y trauma

Surgery ortopédica and trauma

The surgery ortopédica is a branch of the surgery that refers to disorders of the device locomotor, of his muscular parts, osseous or articular and his acute injuries, chronic, traumatic, and recurrent. Apart from the mechanical considerations, also refers to the factors of the pathology, of the genetics, of the intrinsic, extrínsecos, and biomecánicos involved.
Cirugía pediátrica

Surgery pediátrica

The surgery pediátrica is a subespecialidad of the surgery devoted to the diagnostic, care preoperatorio, operation and handle postoperatorio of the problems that present the foetus, lactante, school, adolescent and young adult.
Cirugía plástica y estética

Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Surgical procedure by which alters , substitutes or restores a visible portion of the organism with the end to correct a structural or aesthetic defect.
Cirugía torácica

Thoracic surgery

The thoracic surgery is a medical speciality devoted to the studio and surgical treatment of the illnesses that affect to the thorax.
Clínica del dolor

Clinic of the ache

It is the area of the medicine that commissions of the attention of the patient that suffers of acute and chronic ache, already was oncológico or no oncológico.
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